Anthracnose on a sycamore leaf Overview of Anthracnose on shade trees Anthracnose is a common foliage disease of shade trees in Iowa Symptoms occur on sycamore, ash, maple, oak, walnut, linden, hickory, willows and other deciduous trees Anthracnose is caused by a number of different but closely related fungiTar spot is a leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Rhytisma acerinum It is seen most commonly on sycamore, but can also affect a number of other Acer species The spots are unsightly, and the disease can cause slightly premature leaf fall It has noLeaves have scattered brown, irregular spots that can coalesce into nearly completely brown leaves Affected leaves become wrinkled, cupped or curled especially around leaf edges On severely infected trees, leaves fall off early in the season, trees soon sends out new leaves Damage most common in spring as leaves are growing during wet weather Leaf Spot Disease Of The Maple Maple Leaf Blight And Sycamore Disease Stock Photo Picture And Ri...